DaVinci Coatings vs EPOXY & PAINT

Here at DaVinci Concrete Coatings, we’ve seen a lot of failed DIY epoxy jobs. Though epoxy was a hit in the past, time will show that epoxy coating is not meant to last more than a few years. That’s because this product is intended to be a type of “maintenance coating” and not a lasting solution. If you’ve tried epoxy or paint coatings with the same old adverse results, we can help rectify your epoxy floor or concrete coatings. Learn more about what we can do for your epoxy flooring failures and why our high-end coating systems are the superior choice for your next coating project.

Though epoxy may be considered a viable short-term coating solution to some, our team wants you to get more out of your investment. Since epoxy is subject to failure much sooner than our high-end coating services, we’re here to educate consumers on all the issues they’ll likely have to deal with when choosing epoxy as a coating solution. After years of rectifying epoxy floor failures, we are confident that our coatings go above and beyond short-lived epoxy coating for the following reasons:



When it comes to your property, you likely want the best of the best. We get it! Don’t settle for temporary solutions when you could make a smart investment in our concrete coating solutions. Your floors should be able to withstand spills, sunlight, heavy weight, and high impact — all while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing appearance! Epoxy just doesn’t exude the same quality and class as our coating systems. And that’s because epoxy is more of a quick fix rather than a valuable investment. Hey, you get what you pay for! But we want to ensure you’re spending your money more wisely than that. So, contact us today if the epoxy flooring at your property needs fixing, or request an estimate for your next coating project. We look forward to enhancing your commercial, residential, or industrial property with our high-end coating services.